Car Thefts, Key Holding, Lockbox and Aquapack

Its been brought to our attention over the last few weeks that known  car/van thieves have been seen in the Porthcawl Area again.

Historically, surfers have been a lucrative target for thieves, as they know that surfers cars are full of valuable items.

This time, thieves seem to be targeting builders vans but don’t think that has stopped them hitting surfers.

There’s a couple of options to safeguard your car.

Lockbox or Keypod  

During the later part of last year I spent quite some time trying to nail down the Association of British Insurers (ABI) as to whether peoples cars were insured if the keys were in a lockbox or Keypod. They were hesitant to give an answer.  In January 2014 out of the blue, I received a call from them and it seems as though the  ABI are sitting firmly on the fence and have said the individuals need to check with their insurers as to whether they will be covered if their keys are in a keypod.

Unless you can put your keypod in a place that is totally inaccessible, then they are easy to knock off with a heavy hammer.

We have seen people hang them on their door handles and seen them hanging from the tow loop at the back of their cars or vans

2 Vans that were stolen on August Bank holiday last year, both had their keys in a keypod on the rear of the van and the car park was absolutely packed but nobody saw anything.

Key Holding Service, Porthcawl Surf School, Rest Bay

We will hold your keys for you while you are in the water.  This is a free service. The downside is that, although we are at the beach an awful lot, we aren’t there 24/7.


These are waterproof pouches that you put your key into and then you can drop it into your wetsuit and take it into the water.  There numerous types about but we have no problem endorsing “The Keymaster Aquapac – 100% waterproof” . I have used one for 10 years and we use them at the Surf School. We sell these at the Surf School for what they cost us £8.50

Duplicate Keys

The best option but depending on your make of car, they can cost a fortune. Just make an inquiry with your local dealer and if its too expensive – get an aquapac.

There are a number of options to help protect your kit – not all are perfect but please do something and don’t leave your keys under the wheelarch or on top of the tyres.  Thieves will sit in the car parks and watch and wait for someone to make a mistake.

What to do if your Car is Stolen

If you come out of the water and your car has been stolen, then you’re going to be Annoyed with yourself, upset, angry, or even confused.

The first thing you need to do is get hold of the police. If you come to Porthcawl Surf School at Rest Bay, then you can use our phone. If somewhere else then ask to borrow someones phone.  In a lot of cases, thieves have ditched stolen cars somewhere local and then come back for them later that day or even the next day .

Hope this info helps.